

Introductions are always so boring, aren't they? 

For me personally, I never know what to say. I doubt you want to here my life story no matter how brief it may be, but then perhaps it's strange following someone you don't really know. 

To get the basics out of the way, I'm Ryan. I spent a year at Central Saint Martins doing my foundation (hence the blog name) before upgrading to Ravensbourne where I'm currently doing a three year BA in Fashion Promotion. Usually when I tell people this they blink and say something along the lines of: "They do a degree in that?"

Yes, they do. And my response usually falls along the lines of "What did you watch today for your media degree?"

Anyway, how about we try something slightly different for introductions: I'll post my favourites from a wide variety of media. Films, songs and television shows. I find you can judge someone quite accurately from their tastes and interests in these three categories, don't you?

Oh wait! That's not very politically correct of me to use the word 'judge'. How about discover someone?

With that out the way, let's get started! 


I have loads of favourite songs. I mean, who doesn't!? You have your favourite song for different moods. You have that song you listen to when you're feeling a bit romantic, that song you stream after a breakup, that song you blast out loud at a party when you wanna get down and dirty! I'm not going to bombard you with a playlist worth of songs though, so I'll just go with a couple.

The first one is such an inspirational song to me. Whenever I'm feeling down, it instantly uplifts my mood. For example, listening to this song was the very first thing I did before and after my dearly departed grandmother's funeral (god rest her soul).

(Spears, CD, 2007)

Iconic! Absolutely iconic. Everything from the British 80s grunge styling to the purposefully low budget cinematography. If we do a little throwback to 2007 when this bible gospel was released on to the unprepared public, we'll sadly remember the pop star's meltdown involving a tragic haircut and khaki umbrella. Thankfully the past is behind us and Britney is doing better than ever under her lifetime conservatorship.

Moving on, the next song is also a club banger but lacks that nightclub edge to it. You'll hear it on repeat in Heaven but may find people shudder at the mention of her name in more heterosexual establishments in and around London.

(Minogue, CD, 2001)

Remember this song? I don't know how the producers and gay icon Ms Minogue did it but they managed to take every feeling, emotion and atmosphere that summer brings and merge it into a timeless pop song that still throws me into an upbeat mood whenever it comes on.

Last but not least, we have a song that takes us back to the 90s. It was a massive hit back then and has been covered countless times for one reason - talent. "What does he mean by that?" you ask with a slight curiosity.

It means a woman managed to make an amazing song without making it about love. Think about it, how many songs, pop or not, are about love? It's almost cringe inducing when you realise you could make an entire playlist of different genres of songs about all the different aspects of love. Finding a man, keeping a man, losing a man to a transgender hooker on a night out in Piccadilly. This talented woman wrote about how life has a funny way of sneaking up on you.

(Morisette, CD, 2015)

She lists all the things that are ironic in life. Traffic when you're already late, a no smoking sign on your cigarette break. A Primark t-shirt with Levi jeans. Okay that wasn't in the song but you get my point.


Now unlike songs, I have one clear favourite in mind. It doesn't need an introduction because if you're even slightly fashion conscious you would've watched this twice if not more.

Me? Seven times. And counting.

(Mean Girls, Film, 2004)

A pop culture phenomenon, Mean Girls inspired my generation of kids to be bitchier, sassier and pinker with a feminist edge. While the film gets a lot of credit for its comedic timing, direction and styling the script deserves more recognition than it gets. How many times have you heard a quote from this film? How many times have you used a quote from this film? How many times have you worn pink on a Wednesday!? 


(Gossip Girl, TV Programme, 2007 - 2012)

Gossip Girl.

I mean, what else? I didn't even need to introduce it, the show speaks for itself. Sure, it got beyond unwatchable after Little J went goth but that doesn't mean it's impact wasn't substantial even if temporary. 

Remember the uproar over the racy adverts? The girls who wanted to be Blair? You can imagine my joy when I found out most of my class in BA Fashion Promotion has watched this amazing show. 

So that's me. Like what you see? Think you could follow the blog of someone who worships Kylie Minogue, has a strong hatred for everything Paul's Boutique and a mordant view of the fashion industry? 

Then I'm glad I could help.


1. Spears, Britney (2007) Gimme More [CD] Jive Records

2. Minogue, Kylie (2001) Love At First Sight [CD] Parlophone, Capitol, Mushroom
3. Morisette, Alanis (1996) Ironic [CD] Maverick Records
4. Mean Girls (2004) Directed by Mark Waters [Film] Canada: M.G Films, Broadway Video
5. Gossip Girl (2007 - 2012) The CW

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